Department of Synthetic Human Body System, Medical Research Institute, Institute of Integrated Research, Institute of Science Tokyo
2025/2/1 東京科学大学総合研究院難治疾患研究所にて人体模倣システム学分野が発足
2024/12/17 高山が科学技術への顕著な貢献2024(ナイスステップな研究者)に選定に選定されました
2024/12/1 日本動物実験代替法学会37回大会にて横井さんがESTIV awardを受賞!!二ツ迫さんが板垣学生奨励賞を受賞!!
202411/27 J Virolに論文掲載(Title: The respective roles of TMPRSS2 and cathepsins for SARS-CoV-2 infection in human respiratory organoids)
2024/11/5 Bioconjug Chemに論文掲載(Title: Polysaccharide-based coacervate microgel bearing cationic peptides that achieve dynamic cell-membrane structure alteration and facile cytosolic infusion of IgGs)
2024/10/30 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S Aに論文掲載(Title: Hyponatremia unleashes neutrophil extracellular traps elevating life-threatening pulmonary embolism risk)
2024/9/30 日本再生医療学会雑誌「再生医療」に日本語総説掲載(題目:間質流の再現による多層化した小腸組織モデルの構築)
2024/9/26 iScienceに論文掲載(Title: Establishment of an ulcerative colitis model using colon organoids derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells)
2024/8/22 Antiviral Resに論文掲載(Title: Anti-SARS-CoV-2 gapmer antisense oligonucleotides targeting the main protease region of viral RNA)
2024/8/8 Biol Pharm Bullに論文掲載(Title: Refining Hepatocyte Models to Capture the Impact of CYP2D6*10 Utilizing a PITCh System)
2024/7/11 Cell Stem Cellに論文掲載(Title: Construction of multilayered small intestine-like tissue by reproducing interstitial flow)
2024/7/5 第51回日本毒性学会学術年会にて横井さんが学生ポスター発表賞を受賞!!
2024/7/4 Microbiol Immunolに論文掲載(Title: Virological characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron EG.5.1 variant)
2024/6/30 日本ウイルス学会・学会誌「ウイルス」に日本語総説掲載(題目:マイクロパターン培養プレートを用いたヒトiPS 細胞由来肺胞・気道モデルの開発とSARS-CoV-2 研究への応用)
2024/6/18 Advanced Functional Materialsに論文掲載(Title: Carbon-based nanomaterials for antiviral applications)
2024/6/4 EBioMedicineに論文掲載(Title: Virological characteristics of a SARS-CoV-2-related bat coronavirus, BANAL-20-236)
2024/6/1 ACS Biomater Sci Engに論文掲載(Title: Perfluoropolyether-based gut-liver-on-a-chip for the evaluation of first-pass metabolism and oral bioavailability of drugs)
2024/5/31 オルガノイド研究~培養・作製、活用、臨床応用~、NTS出版に日本語総説掲載(題目:オルガノイド技術を用いた新型コロナウイルス感染症研究)
2024/5/18 Commun Biolに論文掲載(Title: Endothelial ROBO4 suppresses PTGS2/COX-2 expression and inflammatory diseases)
2024/4/23 日本薬学会第144年会にて横井さん、仲田さん、二ツ迫さんが学生優秀発表賞(口頭)を受賞!!
2024/4/19 実験医学に日本語総説掲載(題目:iPS細胞技術の新型コロナウイルス研究への活用)
2024/3/29 iScienceに論文掲載(Title: Longitudinal analysis of genomic mutations in SARS-CoV-2 isolates from persistent COVID-19 patient)
2024/3/28 Stem Cell Repに論文掲載(Title: Micro-patterned culture of iPSC-derived alveolar and airway cells distinguishes SARS-CoV-2 variants)
2024/3/22 第23回日本再生医療学会総会にて橋本さんが優秀演題賞を受賞!!
2024/3/21 出口さんが日本再生医療学会・奨励賞(2024年基礎部門)を受賞!!
2024/3/5 実験医学に日本語総説掲載(題目:iPS細胞とオルガノイドが切り拓く生命科学の未来)
2024/2/16 Sci Advに論文掲載(Title: A general fluorescence off/on strategy for fluorogenic probes: Steric repulsion-induced twisted intramolecular charge transfer (sr-TICT) )
2024/2/8 Nat Communに論文掲載(Title: Virological characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron XBB.1.5 variant)
2024/1/26 Cell Host Microに論文掲載(Title: Virological characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 BA.2.86 variant)
2024/1/22 Lab Chipに論文掲載(Title: SARS-CoV-2-induced disruption of a vascular bed in a microphysiological system caused by type-I interferon from bronchial organoids)
2024/1/5 高山が第11回CiRA賞を受賞
2023/12/8 第46回日本分子生物学会年会にて二ツ迫さんがサイエンスピッチ優秀発表賞を受賞!!
2023/11/29 日本動物実験代替法学会第36回大会にて横井さんが板垣宏学生奨励賞を受賞!!
2023/10/5 Cell Stem Cellに論文掲載(Title: Complement factor D targeting protects endotheliopathy in organoid and monkey models of COVID-19)
2023/10/5 J Virolに論文掲載(Title: Multiple mutations of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2 variant orchestrate its virological characteristics)
2023/9/1 日本組織培養学会第95回大会にて出口さんが奨励賞を受賞!!横井さんがEnglish Presentation Award (EPA) を受賞!!
2023/8/25 科学評論社「臨床免疫・アレルギー科」に日本語総説掲載(題目:オルガノイド技術を用いた腸管感染症研究)
2023/8/8 Stem Cell RepにEditorial掲載(Title: Pluripotent stem cell-based therapies and their path to the clinic)
2023/7/24 Commun Biolに論文掲載(Title: Comparative pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants including BA.1, BA.2, and BA.5)
2023/6/6 J Med Virolに論文掲載(Title: Virological characterization of the 2022 outbreak-causing monkeypox virus using human keratinocytes and colon organoids)
2023/5/26 Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Resに論文掲載(Title: Organ-on-a-chip models for elucidating the cellular biology of infectious diseases)
2023/5/16 Nat Communに論文掲載(Title: Virological characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 XBB variant derived from recombination of two Omicron subvariants)
2023/5/11 Nat Communに論文掲載(Title: Convergent evolution of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants leading to the emergence of BQ.1.1 variant)
2023/4/1 大学院生・仲田さん、学部生・二ツ迫さんが加入
2023/3/22 Mol Pharmに論文掲載(Title: Evaluation of broad anti-coronavirus activity of autophagy-related compounds using human airway organoids)
2023/3/7 PNAS Nexusに論文掲載(Title: Elucidation of the liver pathophysiology of COVID-19 patients using liver-on-a-chips)
2023/2/2 CiRAリトリート2022にて出口さんが優秀口頭発表賞を受賞!!橋本さんと渡邉さんが優秀ポスター賞を受賞!!
2023/1/20 Antibody Therapeuticsに論文掲載(Title: Design of a chimeric ACE-2/Fc-silent fusion protein with ultrahigh affinity and neutralizing capacity for SARS-CoV-2 variants)
2023/1/17 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S Aに論文掲載(Title: Upregulation of Robo4 expression by SMAD signaling suppresses vascular permeability and mortality in endotoxemia and COVID-19 models)
2023/1/1 テクニカルスタッフ・森本さんが加入
2023/1/1 日本薬理学雑誌に日本語総説掲載(題目:オルガノイドを用いた呼吸器疾患研究の最前線)
2022/12/9 Inflamm Regenに論文掲載(Title: State-of-the-art liver disease research using liver-on-a-chip)
2022/10/24 秘書・藤田さんが加入
2022/10/22 iScienceに論文掲載(Title: Exocyst complex component 2 is a potential host factor for SARS-CoV-2 infection)
2022/10/14 秘書・福島さんが加入
2022/10/9 Cell Host & Microbeに論文掲載(Title: Virological characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2.75)
2022/10/1 特定研究員・渡邊さんが加入
2022/9/29 Int J Pharm.に論文掲載(Title: Application of perfluoropolyether elastomers in microfluidic drug metabolism assays)
2022/9/26 Int J Biol Macromol.に論文掲載(Title: Non-uniform aspects of the SARS-CoV-2 intraspecies evolution reopen question of its origin)
2022/9/22 Science Advancesに論文掲載(Title: SARS-CoV-2 disrupts respiratory vascular barriers by suppressing Claudin-5 expression)
2022/9/1 Biol Pharm Bullに論文掲載(Title: Intestinal permeability of drugs in Caco-2 cells cultured in microfluidic devices)
2022/8/1 秘書・松森さんが加入
2022/7/8 日本組織培養学会第94回大会にて出口さんがEnglish Presentation Awardを受賞!!
2022/5/30 Communications Biologyに論文掲載(Title: Cell response analysis in SARS-CoV-2 infected bronchial organoids)
2022/5/18 Cellsに論文掲載(Title: Generation of HepG2 cells with high expression of multiple drug-metabolizing enzymes for drug discovery research using a PITCh system)
2022/4/6 Polymersに論文掲載(Title: Biocompatible Films of Calcium Alginate Inactivate Enveloped Viruses Such as SARS-CoV-2)
2022/4/1 テクニカルスタッフ・安原さん、学部生・横井さんが加入
2022/3/28 日本薬学会第142年会にて出口さんが学生優秀発表賞(口頭)を受賞、Yiさんが学生優秀発表賞(ポスター)を受賞!!
2022/3/21 PeerJに論文掲載(Title: An issue of concern: Unique truncated ORF8 protein variants of SARS-CoV-2)
2022/3/7 Antiviral Resに論文掲載(Title: Establishment of a stable SARS-CoV-2 replicon system for application in high-throughput screening)
2022/3/4 CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targetsに論文掲載(Title: Gene therapy for neuropsychiatric disorders: potential targets and tools)
2022/1/25 Nature Agingに論文掲載(Title: SARS-CoV-2 infection triggers paracrine senescence and leads to a sustained senescence-associated inflammatory response)
2022/1/24 Arch Biochem Biophysに論文掲載(Title: The importance of accessory protein variants in the pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2)
2021/11/24 Int J Mol Sciに論文掲載(Title: Non-woven infection prevention fabrics coated with biobased cranberry extracts inactivates enveloped viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 and multidrug-resistant bacteria)
2021/11/19 ACS Appl Mater Interfacesに論文掲載(Title: Protective face masks: current status and future trends)
2021/10/25 テクニカルスタッフ・松原さんが加入
2021/10/19 Mol Ther Nuc Acidに論文掲載(Title: Dual inhibition of TMPRSS2 and Cathepsin B prevents SARS-CoV-2 infection in iPS cells)
2021/10/15 和光純薬時報に日本語総説掲載(題目:ヒトiPS細胞やオルガノイドを用いたSARS-CoV-2研究)
2021/9/25 Virusesに論文掲載(Title: Potential Molecular Mechanisms of Rare Anti-Tumor Immune Response by SARS-CoV-2 in Isolated Cases of Lymphomas)
2021/9/24 Int J Biol Macromolに論文掲載(Title: Implications derived from S-protein variants of SARS-CoV-2 from six continents)
2021/9/22 Environmental Researchに論文掲載(Title: Periodically aperiodic pattern of SARS-CoV-2 mutations underpins the uncertainty of its origin and evolution)
2021/9/17 実験医学に日本語総説掲載(題目:隔膜型デバイスを用いた呼吸器チップの開発と応用)
2021/9/15 ACS Omegaに論文掲載(Title: Generation of Tetrafluoroethylene–Propylene Elastomer-Based Microfluidic Devices for Drug Toxicity and Metabolism Studies)
2021/9/8 Autoimmunity Reviewsに論文掲載(Title: Autoimmunity roots of the thrombotic events after COVID-19 vaccination)
2021/9/2 ACS Omegaに論文掲載(Title: Antiviral Face Mask Functionalized with Solidified Hand Soap: Low-Cost Infection Prevention Clothing against Enveloped Viruses Such as SARS-CoV-2)
2021/9/1 Int J Mol Sciに論文掲載(Title: Antimicrobial face shield: next generation of facial protective equipment against SARS-CoV-2 and multidrug-resistant bacteria)
2021/8/28 第20回次世代を担う若手のためのファーマ・バイオフォーラムにて出口さんが優秀発表賞を受賞!!
2021/8/6 Mater Lettに論文掲載(Title: Clinical utility of novel biosensing platform: Diagnosis of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 at point of care)
2021/7/24 Stem Cells Transl Medに論文掲載(Title: SARS-CoV-2 research using human pluripotent stem cells and organoids)
2021/7/20 ACS Biomater Sci Engに論文掲載(Title: Usability of polydimethylsiloxane-based microfluidic devices in pharmaceutical research using human hepatocytes)
2021/7/15 Future Oncolに論文掲載(Title: Targeting LIN28: a new hope in prostate cancer theranostics)
2021/7/15 Autoimmunity Reviewsに論文掲載(Title: The mechanism behind flaring/triggering of autoimmunity disorders associated with COVID-19)
2021/7/13 Biomoleculesに論文掲載(Title: COVID-19 Vaccines and Thrombosis – Roadblock or Dead-End Street?)
2021/7/8 第42回日本炎症・再生医学会にて出口さんが優秀演題賞を受賞!!
2021/5/18 Life Sciencesに論文掲載(Title: Overview of key molecular and pharmacological targets for diabetes and associated diseases)
2021/5/6 日本経済新聞にて研究成果が紹介(iPSでコロナに迫る 臓器再現、創薬や病態解明に)
2021/4/16 iScienceに論文掲載(Title: Modeling SARS-CoV-2 infection and its individual differences with ACE2-expressing human iPS cells)
2021/4/16 International Journal of Biological Macromoleculesに論文掲載(Title: Notable sequence homology of the ORF10 protein introspects the architecture of SARS-CoV-2)
2021/4/15 Computers in Biology and Medicineに論文掲載(Title: A Unique View of SARS-COV-2 through the Lens of ORF8 Protein)
2021/4/9 讀賣新聞にて研究成果が紹介(iPSで探る治療法・創薬、コロナ研究の今)
2021/4/7 ACS Nanoに論文掲載 (Title: Carbon-Based Nanomaterials: Promising Antiviral Agents to Combat COVID-19 in the Microbial-Resistant Era)
2021/4/1 大学院生・Yiさん、大学院生・Heさんが加入
2021/3/18 化学工業日報にて研究成果が紹介(CiRA、iPSでコロナ薬評価)
2021/2/22 bioRxivにて論文公開(Title: Modeling SARS-CoV-2 infection and its individual differences with ACE2-expressing human iPS cells)
2021/2/1 教務補佐員・橋本さんが加入
2021/1/15 Preprintsにて論文公開(Title: Carbon-based nanomaterials: Promising antiviral agents to combat COVID-19 in the microbial resistant era)
2021/1/8 Polymersに論文掲載(Title: Protective face mask filter capable of inactivating SARS-CoV-2, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis)
2020/12/13 Moleculesに論文掲載(Title: Possible Transmission Flow of SARS-CoV-2 Based on ACE2 Features)
2020/12/3 Cell Stem CellのVoicesにて高山が紹介
2020/12/2 The FEBS Journalに論文掲載(Title: The Structural Basis of Accelerated Host Cell Entry by SARS-CoV-2)
2020/11/25 bioRxivにて論文公開(Title: Protective face mask filter capable of inactivating SARS-CoV-2, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis)
2020/11/25 BBC Brazilにて取材記事が掲載
2020/11/11 ISSCR Member Spotlightにて高山が紹介
2020/11/8 bioRxivにて論文公開(Title: Variability of Accessory Proteins Rules the SARS-CoV-2 Pathogenicity)
2020/10/26 朝日新聞にて研究成果が紹介(脳、目、肝臓…本物に近づく「ミニ臓器」 体内に移植も)
2020/10/9 bioRxivにて論文公開(Title: Possible transmission flow of SARS-CoV-2 based on ACE2 features)
2020/10/6 高山が山上の光賞(35歳以下の部)を受賞
2020/9/1 教務補佐員・佐野さんが加入
2020/7/17 日本経済新聞にて研究成果が紹介(「ミニ臓器」でコロナ薬開発へ iPSなどで候補選抜)
2020/7/1 テクニカルスタッフ・小杉さん、野辺さんが加入
2020/6/22 Natureにて研究成果が紹介(News title: Mini organs reveal how the coronavirus ravages the body)
2020/6/3 共同通信にて研究成果が紹介(京大、「ミニ気管支」を作製 新型コロナ薬開発に期待)
2020/5/30 Trends in Pharmacological Sciences に論文掲載(Title: In vitro and Animal Models for SARS-CoV-2 research)
2020/5/26 bioRxivにて論文公開(Title: Generation of human bronchial organoids for SARS-CoV-2 research)
2020/4/1 特別研究学生・出口さんが加入
2020/4/1 教務補佐員・三村さんと坂本さん、秘書・水野さんが加入
2020/3/1 京都大学iPS細胞研究所にて高山研究室発足